Explain the Ways in Which Adults Can Support Speech, Language and Communication Development of Children During the Early Years.

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2.1 Explain the ways in which adults can support speech, language and communication development of children during the Early Years. Ways include- The words and levels of language adult’s use with children (including the use of questions) Use language that is age and stage appropriate. Clear short instructions, try to ask open questions. If you ask closed questions it often results in yes/no/nods. If reading with a child you could ask “so what do you think is going to happen next”? If the child is playing a game you could ask what the game is about, you could even ask if you could join the game. If you have to give an instruction to a younger child it is important that you look at them get down to their level, use a soft voice make the instruction short. Instead of saying “Ben can you please stop playing with your toys now, pack them up because it will be lunch time soon.” You could say” Ben please pack your toys a way.” Otherwise it will be too much for the child to take in. Their conversations/interactions with children Adult’s interaction with children plays a very important role in children’s learning and development Listen and give them the time they need to answer. Gives children feedback on what they are doing, whenever possible encourage children to solve problems for themselves. Celebrates their progress and achievements, and helps them to learn from mistakes, use encouragement as well as praise. Adults should not make statements that evaluate or judge .instead make objective, specific comments that encourage children to expand their descriptive language and think about what they are doing. Make it a playful atmosphere, in which both adult and child are enjoying the time spent together; Adults. Rather than. Information and activities used- Visual time table, picture flash cards, matching words and pictures, taking turn activities,

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