Explain Why Did The Hindenburg Win The 1932 Election

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HINDENBURG The majority of Germans still feared Hitler. Hindenburg won the 1932 election with a clear majority. The NAZI's after Hitler's April 1932 election loss to Hindenburg were still the largest German political party, but did not have a majority in the Reichstag Paul von Hindenburg was 85 years old at the time -- old, tired, and some might say senile. He was likely not fully rational or in control of his faculties, and heavily dependent on advisers, who increasingly favoured the Nazis as the only alternative to the "chaos and anarchy" of the socialists and communists. The middle class had given Hitler a considerable amount of both…show more content…
[43] As a result Hindenburg was becoming desperate to solve the issue, which remained unresolved following several mid-term elections. Furthering this atmosphere of political confusion at the time was the increasing violence on the streets that appeared to be revolts by uncontrolled communists as well as the continued and unabated influence of the depression on lives throughout Germany. However, quite obvious is the fact that the most significant reason that President Hindenburg signed the Decree is the burning of the Reichstag building on the 27th of February. The actual conspirators and perpetrators of the Reichstag Fire is still today a scholarly debate with various interpretations. Some are convinced that it was indeed the acts of communists, while others argue that the “Reichstag Fire Decree rested on fiction” [44] and the Nazis planned this attack to further their aims for power. [45] Albeit all these views are plausible, it is indisputable that Hitler took advantage of the fear that was
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