Facilitate Person Centred Assessment

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Facilitate person centred assessment, planning, implementation and review Outcome 1 Understand the principles of person centred assessment and care planning The learner can: 1. explain the importance of a holistic approach to assessment and planning of care or support Holistic assessment and planning is the key in developing personalised services.The holistic assessment process allows to talk about a wide range of domains in a person’s life, establishing a deeper understanding of their needs and issues before developing a care plan. The holistic approaches to client care consider and incorporate all aspects of the client’s life, include the following: physiological, psychological, sociocultural and developmental factors affecting the client. 2. describe ways of supporting the individual to lead the assessment and planning process Person Centred Planning is an ongoing process. If it is to be effective it must result in real change for people. The purpose of person centred planning is to enable people to live the lives they want in their communities. People who have used person centred planning are finding that it can: • Helps people work out what they want in their lives and make them feel stronger and more confident. • Clarify what support people need to pursue aspirations. • Bring people together to support people in joint problem, solving and to energise and motivate people based upon, better understanding of and commitment to the person. • Help direct and shape the contributions made from service agencies, to ensure they are based upon what is important to a person from their perspective. When individuals want to plan for them selves there are booklets that help people do this. If a person does not want or is not able to plan for themselves, a family member, friends or others important to that person may plan together with the person. If a
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