Fast Food Nation Analysis

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Fast Food Nation Analysis In Fast Food Nation, a book written by journalist Eric Schlosser, speaks about how America's fast food franchises contribute to the obesity epidemic that more and more Americans have to face everyday. Schlosser’s argument is that our very own fast food nation is crippling our society quicker than we actually think. The effects of Fast Food Nation on American society and politics show that Schlosser's argument is extremely convincing due to large amount of alarming information he found as well as his effective writing style. I am sort of glad Eric Schlosser took the time to put together this book because if not, this fast food plague would most likely have our nation spiraling downward faster than it already is. Schlosser points out that in the year of 2000, Americans spent over $110 billion on fast food alone. This means Americans were spending more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software, and new cars. We spent more on fast food than on movies, books, magazines, videos, and recorded music; combined. Schlosser’s work takes readers from the California subdivisions where the business was born to the industrial corridor along the New Jersey Turnpike where many of fast food’s flavors are invented. He recommends that in search of a better way to serve customers, the fast food industry has negatively infused its way into the American culture. Schlosser brings to light plenty of shocking facts like how the actual cost of a Happy Meal is determined and how it manipulates the children to persuade their parents to treat them out to McDonalds. A growing awareness of the connection between diets and disease is slowly but surely taking hold in the minds of consumers. Natural and organic foods are becoming more popular across the country. However, our government hasn’t taken the steps that most

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