Fecal Incontinence Research Paper

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Fecal Incontinence Definition and Overview Fecal incontinence, also known as bowel incontinence, is a symptom pertaining to the inability to control defecation. With fecal incontinence, bowel contents are expelled from the body involuntarily. Continence is maintained by a number of factors. Anatomically, the puborectalis muscle and the anal sphincters need to be intact. The puborectalis sling ensures the continence of feces or solid stool, while the internal anal sphincter, along with hemorrhoidal tissues, ensures the continence of liquid stool and gas or flatus. The external anal sphincter, meanwhile, is a muscle that can be voluntarily controlled and contracted when needed. Together with the other muscles of the pelvic floor, they can act…show more content…
It is more common in the elderly, occurring in 45% of individuals living in nursing homes. It is around 8 times more common in females than males, and has a higher incidence in women who have given…show more content…
Patients with anorectal abnormalities, such as imperforate anus, tend to have underdeveloped pelvic muscles. Although surgical correction can create an anatomically normal anal opening, maintaining adequate control remains to be a challenge, with fecal incontinence occurring in as much as 25% of postoperative patients. Congenital abnormalities of the spinal cord, such as spina bifida, can also result in fecal incontinence. Trauma to the pelvic area can also cause fecal incontinence, but is relatively uncommon. This is usually due to motor vehicular accidents with associated pelvic injury, spinal injuries and foreign body insertion in the rectum. Iatrogenic injuries can also result in fecal incontinence. This usually occurs with anal or rectal surgery, such as hemorrhoidectomy or fistulotomy. Other causes for fecal incontinence include rectal prolapse, anal or rectal malignancies, and radiotherapy to the pelvic area. Key

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