Finley Sinclair's There You 'Ll Find Me'

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nicole speers “In all these things, I am more than victorious through Him who loves me.” My battle cry. A verse I have imprinted in my head so that I will never forget the words. Words that changed my life forever. Just like a character Finley Sinclair in the book, There You’ll Find Me. Finley Sinclair’s brother has died while he was in Afghanistan when he was build schools for children. After his death Finley’s life went downhill. So she decided to go to Ireland with a program that her brother Will once did before. She wanted to see the sights he saw and experience the wonderful thing that God showed Will while he was in Ireland. In Will’s book he left a picture of a Celtic cross with no description or thoughts of why he had this picture. Finley needed to find this picture to be able to finish her song that she was writing for her tryout of a school in New York. At the school in Ireland for an assignment she had to spend time with an elderly woman, Cathleen Sweeny, who was bitter and dying. Even though Mrs. Sweeny wasn’t every nice to Finley, Finley made sure she went out of her way to be overly nice to her. Finley experienced everything a teen should experience things like love, regret, death and friends. Finley worried too much about the problems that were going on in her life. Her life got…show more content…
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This was the verse left on the Celtic cross, the one that Finley’s brother Will found, the one that Finley recites over and over again when something bad happens, the one that is my battle cry. I know now that I can overcome any challenge that comes my way. Finley Sinclair has prepared me for the rest of my

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