Frankenstein: The Short Story Sequel

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Frankenstein: The Short Story Sequel After being repeatedly rejected and feared by the society he lives in, the monster starts to look for somewhere to go where he is accepted. With the amount of fluctuating opinions towards him, Creech starts to feel as if he is not wanted. People’s dejection towards him, causes him to separate himself from everything and everyone, but he still longs to be accepted by someone. In the back of his mind, he is still looking for someone to make him a mate. After Victor promised him a mate, and aborted the project, Creech starts to think in a different manner. As a result of the abortion, he believes it is his inclination to find someway to get himself a mate. Creech has not decided on where he is going to go. One thing he has not realized though is that he is being watched for the protection of the people around him. The amount of paroxysm that is expressed by him, that tends to make him a violent creature, has led Robert Walton to keep his eye on him. All throughout his journey, that at this time, has lasted a fortnight, he thinks about what he’s done. Creech starts to feel remorse for what has happened in his life so far. When he thinks about what he has done, and the sacrifices that people have made for him, that makes him think about a mate. The people that have taken the blame for his actions, he believes that some of the consequences could have been prevented if he had someone in his life that was like him, a creature. At one point throughout his journey, Creech gets wind to the fact that he is being watched. He can not put together who it is, but he feels as if the person is making sure he doesn’t turn to the type of person he was before he escaped from his previous life. Creech has no source of endowments, and therefore needs to find someone that will provide him with what he needs. For now though, he can survive with
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