Free Crucible Essays: The Meaning Of Life

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Ian Farrell Dr. Longo AP Language and Composition November 26, 2012 The Meaning of Life Despite what almost every major world religion has claimed, no one really knows for certain what happens after death. Some believe in a specific kind of afterlife. Some believe in reincarnation, and others believe in nothing but an abrupt and final end. Obviously, no one has managed to come back and inform the world who has the right answer. For this reason, we can define death only by what it is not. In simple terms, death is not life. It is an end to all the ups and downs, the triumphs, failures, and changes that make living what it is. In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, Reverend Hale tells Elizabeth Proctor “Cleave not to any faith if that faith brings blood.” He means that an individual should place life over any principle, religious or…show more content…
To kill or sacrifice oneself, even for a religious ideal, is wrong. It is a waste of life, and no one can tell what great things may have come from that person living, and even the religions people die for condemn that act. It is true that some people die a meaningful death. Marty’s throughout history have given their lives for a cause they believed in. However, even among martyrs a good death is rare, because a real martyr never means to die for their cause, but is willing to do so. An example of poor martyrs would be the Jesuit missionaries who traveled to Canada in the 17th century. They intentionally caused conflict with the Indian tribes, believing that if they died for their faith they would go to heaven. That is not what a virtuous death should be. Mahatma Ghandi lived his entire life resisting the British oppression of India peacefully, but in the end he was killed. Mahatma Ghandi never meant to throw away his life or cause violence. That sort of martyr is a rare thing, and most people intentionally choosing to die are hypocritically wasting their
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