Gattaca Essay

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‘Gattaca director, Andrew Niccol, said: “I would hate for anyone to look At my film and think it is advocating that you never tamper with genes, Because there … will be many positive things to come out of this … ------------------------------------------------- Science in terms of curing diseases”. ‘So what is Gattaca condemning? Essay #2 Andrew Niccols, the director of ‘Gattaca’ once said “I would hate for anyone to look at my film and think it is advocating that you never tamper with genes, Because there … will be many positive things to come out of this … Science in terms of curing diseases”. The film ‘Gattaca’ is condemning the extreme use of genetic experimentation, the discrimination towards the ‘invalids’ and the idea of a perfect society, Also the idea predetermined a man or women’s life. ‘Gattaca’ doesn’t condemn the genetic experimentation itself, but it condemning the way it is used, and why it is used. Even though the genetic engineering can save the lives of the people, it is used blindly and the reason for using it is wrong. It doesn’t better people personality, it rather makes more selfish and narrow minded. According to the society of ‘Gattaca’ science means everything, it cannot be flawed and will always be accurate, but as shown in the film Vincent prevails science and reaches his dream. People rely on DNA and science too much, which could potently corrupt our society. Andrew Niccols warns us of the dangers of genetic experimentation, it caused a larger amount of discrimination towards people who had flaws in their genes. People who don’t fit the criteria of a ‘Valid’ are tossed aside and seen as the ‘in valid.’ This was called ‘Genorism’, even though discrimination was against the law, in valids were seen as a
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