Gen 201 Continuing Academic Success Research Paper

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Continuing Academic Success Mary Campbell Gen/201 October 20, 2014 Jennifer Smith CONTINUING ACADEMIC SUCCESS 1 In todays society most people find at some point in their lives and careers that it is necessary to go back to school. Whether it is for a career change or to advance in ones current career, it is a growing trend. Today more than ever the options available for this endeavor are numerous. Choices range from online classes, where there is no need to ever set foot in a physical classroom and still receive a high quality education, or the option to take a traditional approach and physically attend classes. Whatever path you choose many resources and learning tools are available for academic success. It is up to the individual to use and apply them. We each have our own unique set of circumstances to contend with when we make this decision. The most common one is family life. This is the challenge that I face. How do I follow my chosen career path of achieving a…show more content…
Academic Integrity means being honest about your work. As a student and an individual it is important that we take the time to properly learn the material. Creative and critical thinking come into play here as we process what we have learned and put it into our own prospective. Imagine a medical student that plagiarizes or takes credit for someone else’s work or research, would you want them as your doctor? Certainly you would not, you would question whether or not they really knew what they were doing. Just because we are not studying to become doctors does not make our studies any less important, nor the need to maintain academic integrity any less important. What a great sense of achievement I have when I complete an assignment and I know that I just achieved the goal of not only completing that assignment but knowing that I did it

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