Genocide In The Holocaust

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Genocide in definition "is the mass killing of a group of people", (Article 2 of the CPPCG). Throughout time and around the world there have been examples of genocide. The Bosnia genocide seen in former Yugoslavia, the Rwanda genocide, or the Darfur conflict which started in 2003 have shown the world just how prejudice can lead people to take part in "ethnic cleansing". Although such humanitarian crimes have been seen around the world the most massive and known acts of genocide has been seen in the Holocaust, a program of deliberate extermination of Jews along with other groups that lead to the killing of approximately six million Jews during World War II. The persecution and acts of genocide were accomplished by the National Socialist Regime,…show more content…
Hitler deliberately expressed his hate toward Jews and gave ample warnings, as it was all written down in his autobiography “Mein Kampf”. In 1935, the introduction of the Nuremberg Laws stripped German Jews of their citizenship and civil rights. Jewish rights were steadily restricted, as in many cases Jewish political and intellectual leaders were the first to be sent to concentration camps. The Night of Broken Glass, on November 9, 1938 lead to the death of approximately 100 Jews, while other 30,000 were sent to concentration camps. Jewish businesses along with almost every synagogue in Germany were damaged or completely destroyed. As the Nuremberg Laws felt insufficient in solving the “Jewish question”, and with the occupation of eastern Poland after September 1939, which held about two million Jews, the treatment of the Jews became an urgent matter to Adolf…show more content…
The campaign began with German Jews having their rights taken away, and ended with the death of six million Jews. This attempt to annihilate the Jewish population from Europe is seen as the biggest act of genocide in the world. In January 1945 before the Soviets arrived at Auschwitz, the SS marched 60,000 prisoners 36 miles away. This last march being Germany’s last attempt to exterminate the Jewish
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