Glaucoma - Natural Remedies

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Glaucoma – Home remedies * Avoid excess consumption of fluids at any time. Consume only small amounts several times. * Take Vitamin A and carotenoid needed to keep healthy eyes and to improve night vision. Therefore is a very beneficial home remedy for Glaucoma. * A diet rich in green leafy vegetables and foods which are yellow or orange-colored will ensure the appropriate vitamin intake. * Eat spinach and take Lutein or spinach extract Contains carotenoid needed for retina and eye tissue sometimes reversing many eye conditions. * Take 50 mg. of Rutin 3 times a day. This bioflavonoid reduces pain and pressure inside the eye. Therefore is a very beneficial home remedy for Glaucoma. * Vitamin A and carotenoid are needed to keep healthy eyes and to improve night vision. * Eyebright herb in drops is excellent for glaucoma. This plant can be use internally and is much more effective than commercial eye drops and safer. * Take Ginkgo Biloba because it increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the eye and it clears toxins. Mix it with zinc sulfate to slow down progressive vision loss. Therefore is a very beneficial home remedy for Glaucoma. * Cayenne is an anti inflammatory for the mucus membranes. Use very small amounts, well diluted with water or in eye drop form. It increases blood flow to the eye. Therefore is a very beneficial home remedy for Glaucoma. * Take Vitamin E. It removes particles from the eye lens. Therefore is a very beneficial home remedy for Glaucoma. * Bilberry strengthens and protects veins and blood vessels, protects the retina, reduces pressure in glaucoma and can stop the growth of cataracts. Therefore is a very beneficial home remedy for Glaucoma. * Use of Fennel. This plant although used in the kitchen for salads it is also a very good herb for vision problems. When snakes shed their skin they are

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