Good Country People Essay

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The Good Project In "Good Country People", "A Good Man is Hard to Find", and "Good People" they all appear to struggle with hypocrisy, an internal struggle or conflict, and good vs. evil. Ironically the word "good" is in each title suggesting just that, however as we explore the stories, the word may have a different meaning. In "Good Country People" Manley Pointer could be labeled as a hypocrite because he portrays himself as a "good" Christian country boy to Mrs. Hopewell and Hulga, only to deceive them and show his true colors, when he and Hulga are left alone in the loft. A "Good Man is Hard to Find" the grandmother claims to be religious, and a "good" person, she reveals to the readers that she is the complete…show more content…
He lies, manipulates, deceives, steals, and connives. He is out for himself and only himself not caring who he hurts along the way A clear example of how good vs. evil. There is nothing good to his nature. The misfit and the grandmother both could fall into good vs evil. in "A Good Man is Hard to Find" the grandmother is out for herself she is far more sinister than she tries to lead other people to believe. Watching her children and grandchildren being murdered one by one, she is only sitting back thinking about how she's going to spare her life not having a care about what is happening. She only wants to see how she can convince the misfit not to take her life as well. The misfit is pure evil he seems to have no remorse for his actions, and cannot understand why he has been given the life he is living. He has proclaimed his innocence all along, or either denied any wrongdoing. However both the grandmother and the misfit think that they are "good" people despite their actions. In "Good People" we can compare heaven and hell, to good and evil. In comparison Heaven representing good, and the birth of a child. In Hell we

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