Good Vs. Evil In The Great Gatsby

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Good VS. Evil “Money doesn’t buy happiness.” A saying many non-wealthy human beings say just to make them feel better about their self-esteem. But it seems odd that in this book “The Great Gatsby” money evolves around love. The two main characters Gatsby and Tom, theyre love Daisy is only interested in them because of theyre wealth. So this quote has no meaning because money did buy them happiness or at least for Tom it did. These two characters have similarities and differences. For one Gatsby is considered to everyone in east egg “new money.” Gatsby was very poor and worked his way up to wealth. Tom was born with all of his wealth and is not a hard worker like Gatsby. Secondly Gatsby is a dreamer and Tom has no goals in his life. There are many differences between these two characters they have similarities one big similarity is that they both are cheaters. Gatsby cheated his way up to his wealth by moonshining. In the…show more content…
He moved out of his house when he was in his teens, and worked as a janitor. He kept on working his way up to be a wealthy man that he devoted his life to. Gatsby drafted into the army, his love Daisy promised that she would be with him when he comes back. But Daisy ends up marrying a guy named Tom. Tom was a born into wealth and so was Daisy, she married him because her name is more important then love. The difference in wealth between Gatsby and Tom made Daisy choose whom she wanted to end up for the rest of her life. “Girls only love men with money.” This quote is true for this book because when Gatsby gets wealthy Daisy starts to fall back for him. There was this one scene where Gatsby throws all of his shirts in the air as if he doesn’t care about these expensive shirts. Daisy grabs all of the shirts and starts to cry because she loves wealth and expensive cloths. Daisy also knows if she just stayed with Gatsby she could have an amazing life but be in love at the same
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