Government Shutdown Essay

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The Government Shutdown First of all, I have never heard of a government shutdown until yesterday. After reading the news on my phone I had to call and ask a couple of people what does a government shutdown mean. Once my phone conversation was over I then had a better understanding of what was meant by shutting the government down. From my understanding and from what I read and was told, there will be a lot of people affected by the shutdown. I have also read from “Fox 2 News” that the first government shutdown was in 1995 but it only lasted three weeks. In my opinion, the government shutdowns are due to the things our past President Bill Clinton, and our current President Barack Obama, are trying to do for the better good of those less…show more content…
The affordable care act better known as Obama care has already been settled and put in affect. It has been said, that you have up to six months to sign up and register, there are a lot of people that have already signed up for the affordable health care plan. I can’t and couldn’t imagine being President of the United States, people can say whatever they want about our President, I think he does a wonderful job to help people like myself. It’s time for the people of America, to also get up and take a stand for what they believe in. We can take a stand by getting out here and voting, letting our voices be heard, it’s our future no one else’s. If we as people don’t vote, how can our voice be heard. We can vote for any and everybody, Presidents, Mayors, Governors, Senate and the people that make and pass the laws the Congress. It shouldn’t have to all be on our President, we need to get up and help do some things for ourselves. We can help the president by voting and getting congressional lawmakers in office to help pass some of the President’s bills. I have learned a lot from this government shutdown it has really opened my eyes to a lot of things. Threw all of this I have learned a lot about our President, Senate, and especially the Congress. I have learned a lesson for life, not to be scared to stand up for what I believe in. And to always vote for every election rather it’s for a
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