HIPAA Privacy

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Privacy Officer Assessment Medical Center of DeVry Healthcare Data Security and Privacy HIM370 Course Project Introduction This policy is a guide concerning Incident Reporting and Securing Workstations that stores and maintain Electronic Protected Health Information (“EPHI”), as required by 45 Code of Federal Regulations, §§ 164.302 – 164.318 (“HIPAA Security Rule”). All Medical Center of DeVry employees must strictly observe and adhere to the standards relating to Incident Reporting and Securing Workstations. It is the policy of Medical Center of DeVry to ensure the privacy and security of protected health information in the maintenance, retention and destruction of protected health information (PHI). Violation of this…show more content…
The employee’s supervisor is responsible for communicating directly with the HIPAA Privacy and Security Program Officer immediately. 4. Employees may report the inappropriate activities anonymously via Medical center of DeVry’s compliance hotline (888-222-5555) or abuse@MDC.com immediately. b. Reporting Security Incident Protocol 1. All complaints should be addressed to the HIPAA Privacy and Security Program Officer. 2. HIPAA Privacy and Security Program Officer shall document security incidents reported. 3. HIPAA Privacy and Security Program Officer’s will complete an investigation. 4. HIPAA Privacy and Security Program Officer will complete a summary of the incident reported to include the actions taken, contact information of parties involved, documentation of evidence gathered and subsequent steps taken to rectify the security violation. 5. Upon investigation the HIPAA Privacy and Security Program Officer will notify the Chief Compliance and the Legal Services Area and the General Counsel. 6. Depending on the nature and severity of the potential misconduct, HIPAA Privacy and Security Program Officer and Chief Compliance Officer will consult the General Counsel to determine whether to retain outside legal counsel or other parties to assist in conducting the internal…show more content…
| | |Type of Compliant : | |Privacy Incident (PHI) | |Privacy Incident (Other) | |Security Incident (Unlocked Doors/Offices/Departments) | |Security Incident (Unlocked Computers) | |Security Incident (Other) | |Description of Incident : | |

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