Health Assessment Of The Client

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HEALTH ASSESSMENT OF THE PATIENT The ability to assess the patient is one of the most important skills of the nurse, regardless of the practice setting. In all settings where nurses interact with patients and provide care, eliciting a Complete health history and using appropriate assessment skills Care critical to identifying physical and psychological problems and concerns experienced by the patient. As the first step in the nursing process, patient assessment is necessary to obtain data that will enable the nurse to make a nursing diagnosis, identify and implement nursing interventions, and assess their effectiveness. THE ROLE OF A NURSE IN HEALTH ASSESSMENT: The role of the nurse in health assessment includes obtaining the patient’s health history and performing a physical assessment. A growing list of nursing diagnoses is used by nurses to identify and categorize patient problems that nurses have the knowledge, skills, and responsibility to treat independently. All members of the health care team (physicians, nurses, nutritionists, social workers, and others), use their unique skills and knowledge to contribute to the resolution of patient problems by first obtaining a health history and physical examination. BASIC GUIDELINES TO CONDUCT A HEALTH ASSESSMENT: ➢ Before starting with the health assessment the nurse attempts to establish rapport, put the person at ease, encourage honest communication (Fuller & Schaller-Ayers, 2000), make eye contact, and listen carefully to the person’s responses to questions about health issues, this will help to reduce anxiety level in clients. ➢ When obtaining the health history or performing the physical examination, the nurse must be aware of his or her own nonverbal communication as well as that of the patient. ➢ The nurse takes into consideration the educational and cultural background as

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