Health Promotion Pamphlet

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Health Promotion Pamphlet Since the beginning of organized healthcare the focus has been on medical professionals providing care to patients. In recent years with diseases progressing and being more complex, focus has shifted to health promotion and patient education. Health promotion empowers patients to be an active participant in maintaining their health therefore, reducing the affects of illness and disease prevention. Pamphlets are an easy way to provide education for health promotion to the community because they are eye catching and short but contain important information that should be easy to understand. Health care organizations should ensure pamphlets provide to the community is easy to understand and appropriate for the target audience. Topic Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States ("Centers For Disease Control And Prevention", n.d.). There are several preventable risk factors that contribute to heart disease, therefore people should be aware of what they are. Health promotion pamphlets are one way in which organizations educate the public on awareness. The "Personal Best" (2015) website has brochures or pamphlets for purchase by organizations for use in educating the general public on certain topics. The brochure discussed in this paper is on heart disease, “The Big 6 Heart Breakers How to Get on a Heart-Health Track”. Layout, Content, and Quality The layout of the brochure is tri-fold with the title and a colorful picture on the front. The picture shows two hands holding a red heart with two band-aids placed in a cross shape on the heart. The picture would give the appearance of a nurse with the white shirt and a stethoscope draped around the neck. The picture is eye catching and colorful which would entice an individual to examine it further. When the first flap is opened, there is a picture

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