Henry Tam and the Mgi Team

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Henry Tam and the MGI Team Case Questions 1. What is your evaluation of the MGI team’s process? What were the root causes of the team’s process problems? Evaluation of the MGI Team’s Process By the end of the case, the team consisted of seven members : Igor, Roman, Sasha, Henry, Dana, Dav, and Alex. Using the five stages of group development (Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning), we can evaluate the team’s process. We immediately notice that the Forming stage took place over several meetings, as not all seven members were there from the beginning. We first had the three Russians, and then Henry and Dana were added. During the second meeting, we saw the addition of Alex, and finally Dav was introduced in the third meeting. So we can already see that the Forming stage, took longer than it probably should have, which helped to cause much uncertainty in the team. Following the Forming stage, the Storming stage also contained much uncertainty. The Storming stage ends when there is a hierarchy of leadership established within the team. We can easily say that the MGI team never got past the Storming stage, as each person in the team had a different perception of the group’s hierarchy. Dana and Henry saw themselves as strategic contributors to the business strategy of MGI, whereas Sasha perceived them as interns and business plan writers, while Igor saw them as helping with vision and strategy. When Dav was added to the team, it confused Henry and caused him to question Sasha’s decisions, and the roles he expected the students to have. The case states “Feeling overburdened, Henry realized that his and Dana’s role on the team had become increasingly muddled” Having never completely resolved their interpersonal conflicts, we can say that the group never reached the Norming Stage. They were technically still stuck in the Storming stage, with each

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