Hinduism and Buddism

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Hinduism and Buddism: Subtopic: How do Buddhist and Hindu's view of liberation reflect their religious beliefs of the people? Thesis: Although the final goals for Hinduism and Buddhism: moksha and nirvana are similar, the Buddhists reject the sacrifices and caste system in Hinduism in order to reach the goal. The Buddhist reject the Hindus’ belief of Brahman and atman. The Hindus believe all of our soul (atman) is part of Brahmin. Brahmin also created every atman. Atman, part of Brahmin, is trapped inside our bodies. The goal of Hinduism is to release atman back into Brahmin, a process known as Moksha. The Upanishads explains Brahman and atman. “When understanding relationship btw atman and Brahman, moksha achieved. Reincarnation is needed. Karma follows from one reincarnation to another. Karma influences specific life circumstances.” The Buddhist oppose to the idea of god in Hinduism. Siddhartha found out that every living thing inevitable sufferings. The only way to escape from suffering is to reach nirvana, to have a peaceful mind and fully understanding. Which literally means “extinct.” He found that no matter how some people prayed for the “God,” the God seemed to have done nothing for the people. The suffering cannot be avoided by just praying to god. So we’ll have to escape the sufferings ourselves. Buddhists follow Buddha’s teachings and Buddha said he only teaches what causes suffering and how to free oneself from it. Thus whether there is a higher power is not relavent to Buddhism. Another reason why Buddhist don’t believe in soul (god) is because they think only they can save themselves from suffering. They reject the idea of human sacrifices and animal sacrifices in Hinduism and how by doing that god would help release them from suffering. This can also reflect their believe in non violent and the equalness of human being. In their opinion, the
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