Hinduism Vs Buddhism

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Comparing and contrasting the key features of Buddhism and Hinduism approaches to the study of religion This essay will compare and contrast the key features of Buddhism and Hinduism, and their approaches to the study of religion. Hinduism and Buddhism are both originated from the Indian subcontinent, and they share the same tradition of Indian culture yet' Hinduism is one of the oldest religions with literally many gods and symbolic rituals and beliefs. Even though both, religions believe in carnation their relationship that has come a very long time is rather odd and uncomfortable towards each other. However, I will give a brief background of each of the religions before getting into the evaluation process. Hinduism's fonder is unknown due to the lengthy of years of its establishment, which is over 1500 years ago. However, Hinduism has gurus and sages as its religious leaders. Most Hinduism followers have Sanskrit as their original language, and their sacred texts are the Bhagavid Gita, Vedas, Sutra, and Upanishads. Buddhism are both originated from the subcontinent of India. They have an extraordinarily long but rather strange and strained relationship that is over many years even to that of Christianity and Judaism. The Buddha is a descendant of Hindu so as Jesus of a Jewish family. However, others still don not believe that the Buddha was a member of the Hindu pantheon, also a child born of a Hinduism family. Such an approach is unacceptable to many Buddhists. However, it is clear that Buddha gained fame, popularity as most of the Indian origin viewed it as a rescuer from the oppression of tradition and orthodoxy. The teachings of a Buddha invented hope and expectation to those that has lost faith in gaining salvation and liberation from the dominant traditions of a caste system, predominance of ritual form of worship and the exclusive status of

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