Hints Of Racism In ‘ Othello ’

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Hints of racism in ‘ Othello ’ Throughout the history of literature, lots of famous Works by outstanding writers and poets have been examined by specialist critics from various aspects with regard to their images and messages that lay beneath their surface. The meanings of the words and statements in literary works have always bothered the critics in different ways and they have tried to construe the phrases and they have tried to relate the work with the creator of it. In fact a literary work reflects the thoughts of its creator. The most famous writer in English literature, William Shakespeare, must be very unlucky to have been being investigated so thoroughly by critics. I, in this essay, am trying to find answers to some important questions about the hints of racism in one of the most known plays of Shakespeare, Othello. It consists a number of definitions and dialogues that are clear signs of the racist attitude of the English people towards the black man and towards the people of other nations in the world. “ It is the centrality for the European outlook of this orientalist concept of the Negro, the Turk, and the Asian which makes Othello such a significant text. ” states John Salway in his article about ‘ racial disturbances in Shakespeare ’. ( Salway, 109) The most important point in the play about racism is that the racist attitude toward the black Othello is mostly applied by Iago. He constantly insults Othello and his attitude forces us to regard Othello and the black man in established ways. In other words we are forced to evaluate Othello from Iago’ s viewpoint. Roderigo and Brabantio also show racist tendency which we understand from their words. At the very beginning of the play the speeches between Roderigo, Brabantio and Iago make us think about Othello and we are inevitably forced to think that

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