Hitler's Observation Of Good And Evil Essay

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Adolph Hitler is one of the most evil men in history. Hitler, who was the leader of Nazi Germany was responsible for the segregation and genocide of Jewish people for over a decade. Hitlers mission for the mass murder started at the beginning of the world war and continued till the end with him committing suicide. This has raised many questions on his nature as a human being. His act of evil resulting in the deaths of over twelve million Jewish people, which was more than half the Jewish population at the time is unforgettable and horrifying till today. I intend to prove that God did not prevent this evil from happening because of the following theodical arguments of Evil as a Privation of Good, The Free-Will Defense, and Evil as Therapy. Hitler's Holocaust began when he gained power of Germany in 1933. Ever since, he carried out his mission to murder the entire Jewish race. What started with segregating Jewish people into ghetto neighborhoods to isolate them for the rest was actually his master plan for the planned murder of any and all Jews in Nazi Europe. His plan was referred to as the "Final Solution". After invading Poland in 1939 and Russian in 1941, Hitler order concentration camps be…show more content…
Considering that God also created Evil on this earth to maintain our spiritual health and maturity, Hitler's genocide can be considered to be a punishment towards the Jewish people. The oldest religion known to mankind is Judaism and the earliest of scriptures illustrates that more than 40 Jewish prophets have been sent to earth by God. However noble one can say Jewish people are due to their religious heritage, God might have punished them for something that had been committed by the Jewish people or to prevent any future harm. Hitler often claimed that Jewish people were evil and were responsible for all evil occurring due to their immoral personality. Hence, God himself might have created Hitler as the evil that can change that with this

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