house of lords and select committees

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SELECT COMMITTEES This is a committee which has been established by a resolution in either house for a special purpose and is usually for a limited time. It is a committee of members of Parliament which investigate and report on a particular matter. Select Committees exist in the British Parliament, as well as in other parliaments which are based on the Westminster model, such as those in Australia and New Zealand. In the United Kingdom, committees can be appointed from the House of Commons, like the Foreign Affairs Committee, from the House of Lords, like the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee, or as a "Joint Committee" drawn from both, such as the Joint Committee on House of Lords Reform. The Commons Select Committees are generally responsible for overseeing the work of government departments and agencies, whereas those of the Lords look at general issues, such as the constitution or the economy. Both Houses have their own Committees to review drafts of European Union directives. Rarely, there are also select committees of the Commons. Their role is to carry out detailed analysis of individual Bills. Most Bills since 2006-07are referred to public bill committees. Previous to this there were Standing Committees. In July 2005, the Administration Select Committee was established. This replaced the five Domestic Committees which had been responsible for the consideration of services provided for the House in the Palace of Westminster from 1991 to 2005. The new committee deals with issues such as catering services, the House of Commons Library, computer provision, and visitor services. SELECT COMMITTEES IN THE U.K Select Committees were established in 1979 and are cross-party groups of backbench MPs led by a chairman or chairwoman. Some select committees advise on issues such as House of Commons procedure. However, departmental select committees

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