How Did Huck Finn Get To Freedom

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Makenzee Cleveland English Book review The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is about an adolescent boy named Huck. Using the shores of the Mississippi River Huck escapes to find freedom. Most of Huck’s life he was raised by a widow who cared for him by providing him with clothes, food, and teaching him how to read and write. Pap, Huck’s drunken father, takes him from the widow because Huck has something Pap wants… Six thousand dollars that Huck got from the treasure he found. Huck soon gets away from his father by faking his death and floating down the Mississippi River. In the novel Huck comes across a boy named Jim who is slave of Miss Watson, a white woman from Mississippi owns. Huck and Jim begin to become great friends…show more content…
Continuing down the river after he finds Jim they come across what they think is the King and the Duke. Huck and Jim find themselves in a bit of a twist of trouble with the King and Duke. The King and Duke were pretending to be Peter Wilks’ brother from England so he can try to steal all of his money that was in his will. The boys get caught by the village and are caused to flee for their safety. Huck finally gets away from the King and Duke but has seemed to lost Jim on the way. He comes to find out that the King sold Jim to Tom Sawyer’s Aunt Sally. Trying to get Jim back; Huck goes to Aunt Sally’s house acting like Tom. Tom arrives while Huck is at Tom’s Aunts house and helps Huck rescue Jim. While trying to rescue Jim, Tom was shot in the leg and Huck was forced to find a doctor. When the doctor arrived to help Tom he found out that Jim was a runaway slave and was going to have him hung. Huck ends up saving Jim life by saying that Jim gave up his own life to help save Toms. Because of this noble act Jim performed the town let him go and began to honor him. Huck learned several things while traveling down the river and it has made him a better person then when he lived with the widow at the beginning of the book. I really enjoyed reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain. It was a great book choice for me. The book kept me engaged and I just wanted to keep reading. Mark Twain and his unique writing style helps you realize how times were back then. His writing in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not to be taken offensively but to realize that this is how people talked and acted like towards African Americans. I recommend this book to any high school student that can handle and understand the material and the point Mark Twain is trying to get

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