How Did Roosevelt's Response To The Great Depression

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New Deal The 1930’s was a great time of economic depression in America. In response to the Great Depression, when Roosevelt took office, he came up with a New Deal plan. The New Deal was a period of time from 1933 to 1938 intended to recover America’s economy, reform capitalism in America, and provide relief to Americans. Roosevelt’s New Deal did show great success in providing relief and recovery to the nation during the Great Depression by forming the Bank Holiday, a series of public works programs, and the National Recovery Act. Roosevelt had to provide America’s faith in the economy and government by providing relief to the people. One way he helped restore it was by creating the Bank Holiday. The Bank Holiday closed the banks down for a short period of time, so congress was able to discuss the banking reforms. By shutting the banks down for a short period of time, it would help stabilize them, and help reassure American’s that things would get better. After the banks had been closed for a little while, the Emergency Bank Relief Act came into effect. This act allowed the treasury to re-open solvent banks, and…show more content…
He would provide recovery by creating the NRA (National Recovery Act). The National Recovery Act helped recover from the depression by controlling production, prices, labor relations, and the trade practice in businesses. Although the Supreme Court declared this act as unconstitutional, it led to the PWA (Public Works Administration) and the NIRA. Both of these programs help put money back into the economy, and helped stimulate the economy. Roosevelt’s New Deal program did help America with recovery, relief, and reform at the time, and for the future. The government also gained more power to be able to change laws and set conditions for citizens and businesses. The New Deal most importantly helped reassure the American people to believe in the economy, the government, and the
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