How Does Into The Wild Change People's Life

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Reading the book Into the Wild has really changed my perspective on people’s life. However, Chris was unfortunate to die from starvation, his overall life story has changed the way I think of life. I feel that Chris McCandless has changed and grew by the end of the story very much. Throughout this book, I have been able to identify with Chris in a slight way, even though I do not approve of what he has done with his life. Also, when I finished this book, I had learned something new from Chris’s experience, and it has broadened my perspective on life. Throughout the beginning of Into the Wild, it was very clear to the readers, and myself, that Chris wanted to get away from humanity and the society he was living in. He did not like to follow…show more content…
He grew up in the Washington suburbs, which is probably a wealthy place to live. I live in Southbury, which I feel, is kind of a “snooty” town. People think that they are great and perfect and everything they buy is “top notch”. If you do not have expensive things, then you are a nobody. I understand what Chris went through. His parents wanted to buy him a new car, when he already had a car that runs perfectly fine. In the town I live in, it seems like you always have to have the nicest things, when you already have nice things, they just have to be better; like you have to be one step ahead of everyone. I personally don’t follow the way people in this town are. I ignore what people think about me; just like Chris ignores what his parents think about him. Also, like Chris’s parents, my parents are always expecting better from me, which I admit, is kind of annoying because I am always doing the best I can. They just expect better. Reading this book, I feel that every parent is like that, and just wants their kids to succeed in life, which is completely understandable. However, I feel that Chris took his “getting away” out of control. Of course, every kid would like to get away from their parents for a while. I feel that because of Chris’s problems at home weren’t so drastic, the need for him to be gone for so long, without having contact with his parents, was a bit ridiculous. On the other hand, I do not have the same mind set as Chris, and I did not live his exact

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