How Does Macbeth React To Death And Danger?

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The play “Macbeth” by Shakespeare shows that in extract one Macbeth reacts to death with regret because of his loyalties to the lifeless Duncan. He faces danger in this extract in a fearful and indecisive manner when he felt being found out as the killer of Duncan was too much. Extract two shows that Macbeth becomes distant when the death becomes more personal, such as the death of his wife. Macbeth faces danger of the approaching army with acceptance and eagerness. Macbeth’s character begins to change after the murder of Duncan, and in the early term of his rein. Macbeth kills Duncan and regrets his actions almost instantly. “I’ll go no more. I am afraid to think what I have done...” (Act 2 Scene 2, Pg. 28). This shows how much the death played on Macbeth’s mind, almost instantly after the murder Macbeth felt this way because his had sense of loyalty toward the king as he was praised for his heroic work on the battlefield. When faced with danger of being discovered as the murderer of Duncan, Macbeth acted with fear and indecision. Lady Macbeth takes control of the situation. “Methought I heard a voice cry, sleep no more: Macbeth does murder sleep.” (Act 2 Scene 2, Pg. 27). Macbeth would have said this with an expression of total affright. His tone would have almost been a whisper, concealing his own fear. Macbeth’s words indicated that he was almost at the stage of madness, hearing voices that weren’t audible. The partaking in of Duncan’s murder could have been the catalyst of Macbeth’s change. “Who was it that thus cried? Why, worthy thane, you do unbend your noble strength to think so brain-sickly of things. Go get some water and wash this filthy witness from your hand.” (Act 2 Scene 2, Pg. 28). Shakespeare could have been setting up an unusual relationship for his audience. Lady Macbeth was the dominant character of the relationship, hinting that
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