How Does Martin Portray the Character of Manon and Her Attitudes Up Until the Time of Her Mother’s Death?

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How does Martin portray the character of Manon and her attitudes up until the time of her Mother’s death? In the opening pages, Manon repeatedly refers to her husband as “him”, which is shown in the 3rd person pronoun which gives the impression that he has no respect and she has no respect for him, therefore he has not been given a name. This shows that Manon has a negative attitude towards her husband as she believes he does not deserve a name as he is unworthy due to the treatment he has given Manon. As a result, this leads people to believe that there is no love between Manon and her husband because if he was given a name it would show a loving connection. Therefore, I believe Manon hates her husband. This gives the impression to the reader that Manon is always negative and is harsh towards her husband, making people believe she is not loving towards him. However, the narrator’s restricted viewpoint could lead us to believe that she is biased and unreliable because she is narrating only from her point of view. Also, at the beginning of the games, Manon has a sympathetic tone towards the slaves and feels sorry for them because she says, “I couldn’t watch anymore.” This suggests that Manon feels ashamed of what she is letting her husband do to the slaves and that she feels sadness building up inside of her towards the slaves being treated horrifically. The dynamic verb of “watch” shows to the reader that Manon feels a little bit of pain towards the slaves and that she feels that they are only being used for torture. This tells us that Manon hates the sight of violence and torture, making us believe that she is a woman of peace. However, because of her restricted viewpoint this may make us to believe that she is exaggerating at bit because it is only from her point of view but also because she will want to make her husband look and sound bad, possibly because

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