How Far Was the Outbreak of Civil War in 1455 a Direct Result of Henry Vi's Inadequacies?

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It is clear that the local rivalries among the nobility were a prominent factor in causing the outbreak of the civil war in 1455. However the evidence shows that it was in fact King Henry VI’s inadequacies that were the core cause of the conflict, as it was his inability to control these rivalries that allowed them to escalate, causing the War of the Roses. King Henry VI’s other inadequacies include his mistreatment of the nobility and his careless spending. Limiting factors to this argument include the view that the loss of France was responsible for the start of civil conflict however this is challenged by the fact some of the failures in France can be attributed to Henry’s inadequacies. Furthermore, over-mighty subjects, who presented a threat to the throne, were getting more powerful and wealthy therefore presenting a threat to Henry VI’s kingship. These factors combine to support the view that it was Henry’s inadequacies that were responsible for the outbreak of civil conflict in 1455. There is a lot of evidence that shows that it was Henry VI’s inadequacies as king were responsible for the outbreak of civil war in 1455. Henry, as a king, failed to assert his authority meaning that rivalries among nobility were not resolved. The conflict that helped provoke the civil war was the feud between Percy’s and Neville’s. Henry VI did little or nothing to solve these matters, therefore noble families were forced to choose sides, as the bitterness between them meant they could not fight for the same cause. It was Henry’s inadequacies that allowed these disputes to gain such a high level of importance as he did little to stop them, and did nothing to punish the nobles who were out of line. Henry’s poor military leadership is another reason for the outbreak of the civil war. He failed to live up to his father’s great military reputation, which caused most critics for his
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