Hula In Hawaii Research Paper

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Mrs. Caluya English 12 2 Feburary 2013 I. The hula was a form of poetry for the Hawaiians in its sacred forms. A. Hula has a smooth flow with fluid movements. while you are dancing the hula you are telling a story. B. You can tell your story by your mele (song/chant), you make it more visual by your hands, arms, and feet movements. Your facial expressions are just a bonus. II. Hula in Hawaii is everywhere you go. A. The orgins of hula are a legend, the history as passed on from generation to generation. B. These legends describe the adventures of Hi'iaka, who danced to please her fiercy and enraged sister Pele. III. The importance of hula and it movements. A. The term "hula" refers to movement…show more content…
Mele inoa, which means chants and love songs, and the Mele'aina, songs praising the land help to classify the dance. IV. What most people dont kno about hula. A. All hula dances originate from a series of only six traditional moves that slowly change over time. B. there is a wide variety of different ways on how to perform these basic movements, this helps to create unique and beautiful performances. VII. Ho the Hawaiians lost hula. A. In 1820 Christian missionaries from New England came to the islands, armed with bibles and narrow minded thoughts. B. They were shocked by the "heathenish" hula, and triend to abolish the dance. C. When they converted Queen Ka'ahumanu to christianity, she had the temples and goddess images destroyed and banned hula and the Hawaiian language. Thats why today not many people can speak Hawaiian fluently. D. Hula was taught and preformed only in secret for many years. The Hawaiians were determined to keep their culture and dance alive. VII. King Kamehameha III reastablished the art of Hula when he came to inherrit the throne he insisted on religious…show more content…
There are organizations that are dedicated to preserving the ancient dances and chants.This is so that we can preserve the ancient dances and chants so nthe public can see the dances ho they were originally performed. XI. Hula and its competative sides. Hawaiis biggest Hula competition is the Merrie Monarch festival. Merrie Monarch was King David Kalakauas nickname for his strength to bring hula back. A. The Merrie Monarch Festival began in Hilo, Hawaii in 1963 when Helen Hale, who was the chairmann of Hawaii, who was looking for a way to attract tourist to the island. Hawaiis economy needed a boost after suffering from a tidal wave. B. Today Merrie Monarch is a huge competition in Hilo, Hawaii where only the best Halaus can compete. You have to be invited by the head chairmen to dance in this competiton. They base it on how many competitions your group has entered, the wins and the strenth of your dancers. C. This is hulas hardest competitions. XII. Another big hula competition is the King Kamehameha Hula Competition is for Keiki hula dancers only. A. Keiki (kay-key) hula means younger dancers who are generally under the age of 15. King Kamehameha Keiki Hula Competition is held annually at the Blaisdell Arena on

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