Hulga Summary

425 Words2 Pages
Hulga, now having only one leg, manages to crawl her way to a window in the barn loft, to see Manley run away with her precious leg. Hulga feels horrible, losing both her leg and lover. She begins to yell for help, hoping someone, anyone, might hear her calls. After a while, she begins to realize that there’s no hope that someone might come to save her. Depression sets in on Hulga, she begins to cry, to think of her family. She begins to imagine suicide; she’s already lost everything, and thinks she has no reason to live. She punches out the glass of the window, and pulls herself up so that her stomach rests on the window frame. She looks down, spotting a double sided axe, used for chopping fire wood, which was stuck firmly in a tree stump. All she has to do is land on the axe, she thinks to…show more content…
Maybe she could survive, obtain another wooden leg, and continue living her life. She then realizes that she is stuck on the frame, unable to back out of the window frame. She begins to cry again, wishing that she hadn’t climbed into the window, knowing she only has one choice now, to go forward with her original plan. She misses her home, her bed, wishing that she could be there once again. She looked down at the axe, which seemed for last for hours. She thinks of the bible sales man that ran away with her leg, and has nothing but hatred for him. With the last little strength Hulga has, she kicks, with her one leg, and pushes her way the last little bit she needs to so that she may begin her fall to her own demise. She hears a familiar voice yell her name, as she exits the window. She screams a loud screech, just seconds before her death. She lands head first on the axe, which buries itself deep inside of Hulga’s skull. Blood trickles down the blade, and drips to the ground. Hulga’s body sits lifeless, head connected to a now bloody

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