Hum/115 Week 4 Problem Solving

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Five-Step Model of Problem Solving List the five steps in the model for problem solving from Ch. 6 of Critical Thinking in Everyday Life. Write a brief description of each in your own words. Cite any sources you use. |Step |Description | |Step 1: Identify the problem |You have to figure out what it is that you are trying to figure out. | | |It’s important that you identify the problem before trying to solve | | |it. How do you supposed to solve a problem if you haven’t identify it | | |first. | |Step 2: Discover the causes of the problem |After you have identify the problem then you have to find out where | | |the problem come from. You have to find the roots of the problem so | | |that you can start at the bottom of it. Then you can start preparing | | |for the process of problem solving. | |Step 3: Create options to solve the problem (creative thinking) |Now you have to sit down an draw up some options that you will take to| | |solve the root.this is one of th very important step to take when you | | |dealing

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