Human Genetics Quiz

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Genetics 1. Gametes have half the numbers of ___________ that body cells have. (chromosomes) 2. What are the 2 cell divisions that meiosis, diploid cells undergo? (meiosis I and II) 3. Who led the groundwork for genetics? (Mendel) 4. Is all of an organism’s genetic material? (genome) 5. What do Punnett squares illustrate? (genetic crosses) 6. Is the exchange of chromosome segments between homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis I (crossing over) 7. How many copies of each autosomal gene affect phenotype? (2) 8. What are traits produced by 2 or more genes called? (polygenic traits) 9. These where maps of the relative locations, or loci, of genes on a chromosome. (linkage maps) 10. A chart used…show more content…
Is the process of biological change by which descendants come to differ from their ancestors? (evolution) 2. What is variation? (difference in the physical traits of an individual from those of other individuals in the group to which it belongs) 3. Is a feature that allows an organism to better survive in its environment? (adaptation) 4. What does natural selection explains? (How evolution can occur) 5. Is the ability of a trait to be passed down from one generation to another? (herability) 6. What is homologous structure? (Are features that are similar in structure but appear in different organisms and have different functions) 7. Are structures that preform a similar function but are not similar in origins? (analogous structures) 8. Evolution unites all fields of what? (biology) 9. What shares a common gene pool? (population) 10. _________ __________ acts on a distribution of traits? (natural selection) 11. What is a gene flow? ( movement of alleles from one population to another) 12. Name three of the five factors that can lead to evolution? (genetic drift, gene flow, mutation, sexual selection, and natural…show more content…
How do most producers obtain energy? (sunlight) 4. What is a food web? (it shows a complex network of feeding relationships) 5. What is another name for the hydrologic cycle? (water cycle) 6. It shows the distribution of energy among trophic levels? (energy pyramid) 7. Every organism has a ______ and a _______? (habitat and a niche) 8. What are two important ways organisms interact? (competition and predation) 9. Is the number of individuals that live in a defined are? (population density) 10. How changes in population size are determined (name 3)? (immigration, births, emigration, deaths) 11. When does succession occur? (when a disturbance is in the ecosystem) 12. Is the part of Earth where life exists? (biosphere) 13. What are Earth 3 main climate zones? (polar climate, tropical climate, and temperate climate) 14. What are Earth six major biomes? (tropical, grassland, desert, temperate, taiga, tundra) 15. How many zones can the ocean be divided into? (4) 16. What do freshwater ecosystems include? (moving and standing water) 17. Are tiny free-floating organisms that live in the water? (plankton) 18. What is microclimate? (climate of a small specific place within a larger
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