Hungry for Change

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We should all be “Hungry for Change.” American society today is generally disgustingly unhealthy. The movie Hungry for Change displays the causes of America’s unhealthy population and why so many people are sick and dying due to their invalid diets. The movie acknowledges the reasons for this appalling occurrence and how we can alter our diets to become closer to what our bodies are designed to consume. The movie is inspiring and extremely informative, it reveals the dangers we face because of the foods we eat and how we put our lives at risk by what we eat alone. The diets of today’s Americans exceed the amount of calories humans should consume, yet greatly lack in nutrition. Humans have roamed the earth for several millenniums; for the vast majority of that time, we ate only natural occurring substances which weren’t plentiful in quantity, but contained much more nutrition than the majority of today’s foods. Humans have developed the ability to live everywhere in the world which resulted in a great variety of diets. People in the arctic ate primarily animal fat and muscle, while people in warmer environments were more exposed to fruits and vegetables; either way they were lean and healthy. Our diets today primarily consist of processed foods which have only existed for not even half a century. Since our bodies are not accustomed to this food like substance (not even actual food), they are not equipped to process theses materials, which results in obesity and illnesses. We obviously need to make our diets more like the foods we are meant to eat. America is basically a zoo: an artificial environment; the human body is not designed to work at a desk, receiving limited exercise; or to consume processed foods. Our bodies are adapting to a relatively new indoor life style. We are basically not in our natural habitat, much like a zoo animal. When people see how their
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