Hypothesis Identification Article Analysis

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Running head: Hypothesis Identification Hypothesis Identification Article Analysis Res 342 May 7, 2012 Hypothesis Identification Article Analysis For the hypothesis identification article analysis I chose the marketing article, Are Services Advertised Differently? An Empirical Examination. This article compares how the significance of a definitive approach on services and “product advertising by testing the absolute and relative impact of the product and service variable on advertising methods (Décaudin & Lacoste 2010).” According to the article, Are services advertised differently?, the construction of this research began by performing a content study of 4,233 press advertisements, from generalist magazines, which used an analytical structure founded on competitive advantage. This structure was utilized as a means to gauge the impact on the advertising strategy of the type of offer, type of market and industry variables. Conclusions drawn from this research illustrate that these three variables considerably influence advertising strategy. According to this article, the research conducted did not completely answer the original hypothesis; determining the bearing of the advertising choices highlighted. This study shows that the product and service variance alone cannot adequately decipher the choice of an advertising strategy. In conclusion, the study’s results show that the product service variable should not be used alone, but ideally in conjunction with other variables and furthermore as a form of objective and the nature of the sector. However, the structure can connect a marketing strategy to advertising strategy. References Jean-Marc Décaudin, & Denis Lacoste. (2010). Are services advertised differently? An empirical examination. The Journal of Services Marketing, 24(7), 546-553. Retrieved May 5, 2012 from ABI/INFORM Global.

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