I Somewhat Agree With Suzanne Britt

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To Slop or Not To Slop I somewhat agree with the thesis of Suzanne Britt’s essay, stating,” Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people.” I will explain why I don’t completely agree. My sister, I’ll call her “Jenny” has got to be the sloppiest person that I know. The inside of her house looks like a tornado hit it. The” playroom” is the first room as you enter the house. The wood burner is to the right. There is bark and dirt from wood that has been carried in all winter, scattered on the floor. There are many different game consoles, Xbox, Playstation 1 and Playstion 2. One on the shelf and the others are lying on the floor just in front of you. The children must have 100 or more different games; half are on the shelves and the others on the floor. The kitchen looks like Denny’s after the morning rush hour, the cereal boxes and the bowls from breakfast are still on the table. In the sink are dirty dishes from last night’s supper. In the living room there are clean clothes scattered all over the couch waiting to be folded. The wet towels lying on the bathroom floor looks like the boys locker room after a ball game. The children’s bedrooms have clothes thrown on the floor. It is hard to tell which are clean and which are dirty. Toys are lying all over. If you can actually get a glimpse of the floor I would be shocked. Now we go into Jenny’s bedroom. There is a path to the bed were she sleeps. (I don’t think it has been made in months.) The clothes she has tried on last week, but decided not to wear, are lying on the floor and all over the bed. Dirty dishes are on the night stand. She may be sloppy, but she is one of the nicest people you could ever meet!! Malcolm (my husband) on the other hand is the extreme opposite. Walk into his garage everything is in its place. On the east and west walls everything is organized, labeled and

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