Identify Different Reasons Why People Communicate

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1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate To express needs and feelings, share thoughts and information; to support; to establish relationships; to mingle with one another; to ask questions; to share experiences. People communicate in order to form and sustain relationships with other people, for them to share and receive Knowledge, instructions, and sharing of thoughts, information, feelings, emotions, to understand and be understood, to share thoughts, to give reassurance and show others they are appreciated. 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting Good communication enables individuals needs and wants to be met, it’s a vital skill required to build relationships in the workplace. When there is a breakdown in communication in the work setting can cause conflicts which will lead to isolation leaving the individuals involved isolated. Positive communication skills such as listening, open-ended questions and using calm and polite tone of voice enable individual in the work place to be united, which will maintain a good working relationship between people in the work setting. Team work is essential in the work place therefore effective communication help form close relationship with work colleague in order for the task the been carried out is done properly and effectively. 2.2 factors to consider when promoting communication The factors to consider when promoting effective communication are as follows: • Verbal communication: the tone the volume of your voice would need to be appropriate to suit individual situations. Also the speed at which you talk is a factor. For example for residents that have problems with hearing I have to make sure I speak clearly and slowly to make sure they are able to hear correctly. • Non-verbal communication: the expression on your face or your body language. Hand gestures and
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