Ignorance is Bliss- Oedipus

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Ignorance is Bliss Oedipus the King by Sophocles is a play about a good king who has successfully ruled his city of Thebes for many years, but is now confronted with a plague and he is searching for a way to help end the suffering of his people. This king, Oedipus, came to the city of Thebes from Corinth, under unfortunate circumstances, arriving when the city was also being plagued with misery. A Sphinx, sent down by the goddess Hera, was terrorizing Thebes by posing a riddle of anyone trying to enter or leave—“What walks four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?”--and killing the traveler when unable to answer. Oedipus approached the Sphinx and solved her riddle answering “Man,” and was hailed as the hero of the city. As a reward, he was given the throne to the city, and married the widowed queen. Oedipus ruled as a good king, but a second plague, in the form of disease, has been brought upon the city. To end the people’s suffering, Oedipus consults the Delphic oracle, and it tells him to rid Thebes of the murderer of King Laios, the former king, by execution of banishment. In a search to find the true murderer, Oedipus discovers that he is not really the man that he has thought himself to be; he was not originally from Corinth, but from Thebes, he was not the child of Polybus and Merope, but of King Laios and Queen Iocaste. When a young man, Oedipus had heard a drunken man at a feast cry out that he was not the natural son of Polybus and Merope. He first approached his parents to see if he was their natural son, and they said he was, but he was not at peace, so he went to the Delphic oracle to ask if Polybus and Merope were his natural parents. The god did not answer his question, but stated that he would kill his father and marry his mother and have children with her. Oedipus decides to run away from Corinth, and after he

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