The Impact of Historical Setting in The Demon Lover by Elizabeth Bowen and Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell

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Historical events have defined the lives of billions of people. Whether these events have positive impacts, or negative repercussions, depends on the situation and the individual. Elizabeth Bowen and George Orwell both carefully chose the time periods in which to set their short stories. In both “The Demon Lover” and “Shooting an Elephant”, the historical setting is paramount in its effect on each main character’s feeling of helplessness and sense of isolation. Both Mrs. Drover in “The Demon Lover” and the narrator in “Shooting an Elephant” are trapped in what history has created, and what history has made them. People who live through wars often move forward without fully realizing how dramatically the experience has changed them. This is definitely the case in the life of Mrs. Drover, the main character in “The Demon Lover”. History has not been kind to Mrs. Drover. It is now the middle of World War II, but 25 years before, World War I resulted in the death of her fiancé. Her family could not seriously mourn a man they had known “almost nothing about”, possibly a soldier from another part of England, or from abroad. This certainly isolated the young Mrs. Drover in her grief, causing her to feel “a complete dislocation from everything”. Years later, she recovers enough to marry and have children, only to have her London life with them torn apart by the Blitz of World War II. They have fled the city, and Mrs. Drover knows that her family is “now used to their country life”. Visiting the London house, Mrs. Drover again seems isolated in her concern for the “hollowness of the house”, which “cancelled years on years of voices, habits and steps”. The fact that they are “cancelled”, rather than just tucked away, shows how helpless she feels to regain “her long former habit of life”. Nothing can be done to regain this lost history, just as nothing can be done about the

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