Importance Of Confidentiality In Day To Day Communication

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Assignment 201 Task B Poster ----------------------- Confidentiality means not sharing information about people without their knowledge and agreement and ensuring that written and electronic information cannot be accessed or read by people who have no reason to see it. These are some examples of how to maintain confidentiality in day to day communication: • Only speak about your clients to senior staff, passing on information relevant to their care and wellbeing • Don’t gossip about clients with other staff or anyone else • Never give out personal information to anyone on the phone unless expressly told to by senior staff • Ensure paperwork is securely locked away or shredded as appropriate If there is a risk of danger or harm to the client, or other people, if abuse is suspected or if there is suspected misconduct of a colleague, in respect of care of a client, (whistle-blowing). You as a carer must inform the client why the information needs to be passed on to others and that it is your responsibility. You might need to share confidential information to professionals or the individuals receiving the service, e.g. If the…show more content…
You are assisting an older woman to have a shower in her own home, when you notice that she has quite severe fresh bruising on her back and upper arms. The woman is initially reluctant to speak about the cause but eventually tells you that her middle aged son who lives with her inflicted the bruises. The woman pleads with you not to tell anyone as she is embarrassed and doesn’t want any shame to fall on her son. What do you do? You have a clear conflict here. You feel that the best course of action is to report your findings immediately to your manager, who will be able to alert the appropriate authorities and then write a formal report as a record of what happened. But would you be breaching the woman’s

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