Induction Activity Questions

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Induction Activity Questions 1. What is the qualification/specific Diploma you are enrolling on with the DLC? I am studying Access to Physiotherapy Diploma. 2. Who are Open Awards? They are the awarding body for the Distance Learning Centre 3. On your tour of the website find out the role of the QAA. The role of the QAA is to recognise and regulate success to higher education courses. 4. How many credits make up a full Access to HE Diploma? 60 Credits make up a full Diploma. 5. How many credits can be at level 2? 15 Credits may be at level 2. 6. What Level 2 qualifications should you achieve to commence Level 3? You should achieve level 2 in Maths and English. 7. How will you complete Tutor Observed Assessments? These will be uploaded to My DLC for my tutor to access and mark. 8. Who issues the certificates for your Diploma? The Certificates are issued by Open Awards. 9. Produce a flow chart of the modules you are choosing. See annex 1 10. What is a SAQ? A SAQ is a self-assessment question. 11. Where will you find your Module, Units and Assessment activities on the DLC Website? You can find these by logging onto My DLC, My Coursework, Course Assessments. How will you access these? To access I need a password from my Tutor. 12. What books are recommended that you should purchase for you course? My Tutor has recommended “Cite them Right” a referencing guide. As I progress through the modules then other books may be recommended. A basic Biology book is another recommended book. There are also more in the DLC Library. 13. How should your Assessment work be presented and what documentation do you need to send to your tutor? I need to send a completed signed assessment sheet, presented in a loose leaf folder. 14. Which Level of the Diploma work is graded? All Level 3 work is

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