Influences That Affect Children and Young People’s Development

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Examples of influences that affect children and young people’s development, including; background, health and environmental. Events that children may not understand may leave them confused, leading to frustration and aggressive outbursts. They may become withdrawn in their behaviour and develop unwanted habits through anxiety. The factors causing this behaviour may be: arrival of a new baby, bereavement, and divorce or moving home to mention a few. A loving and secure attachment to a nurturing adult influences a child’s capacity for social, emotional and cognitive development and the ability to have positive relationships. Parenting is a key factor in healthy child development. Parents have the primary responsibility for the care and nurturing of their children. Background/Family Life A family that doesn’t provide a stimulating and enriching environment and whose parents don’t offer much interaction may become developmentally behind. Plus, a stressful family environment may cause a child to experience learning disabilities and possibly be of a high risk of a stress related illness. At the same time, various other elements within a child’s background may affect behaviour and development, these being; divorce, a new baby, diet, poverty and media to mention a few. Children of one parent families may suffer as the parent may work long hours leaving the child with very little support and possibly no role model to look up to. Divorce also can be very traumatic for a child. Children whose families have joined with another family and therefore have ‘step-family’ may experience unhappiness due to the child being picked on or feeling left out, this would lead to low self-esteem and they would quite possibly result in lack confidence in their own abilities. Poverty can affect all areas of a child’s development, physically, socially, emotionally and
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