Inside Criminal Justice System

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Inside Criminal Law Amber Bumpus University of Phoenix There are several purposes to the criminal justice system. One of them is Protect and Punish: the Legal Function of the Law. The main goal of this law is to protect citizens from criminal harm. Criminal harm is divided into two categories. Harms to individual citizens’ physical safety and property, such as the harm caused by murder, theft, or arson. Harms to society’s interests collectively, such as the harm caused by unsafe foods or consumer products, a polluted environment, or poorly constructed buildings. The second purpose is Maintain and Teach: The Social Function of the Law. These maintain the morally wrong laws. For instance:…show more content…
The federal government and states have separate written constitutions that set forth the general organization and powers of, and the limits on, their respective governments. The US Constitution is the law of the land. It is the basis of all law in the United States. Any law that violates the constitution will not be enforced. State constitutions are respective within their borders. Statutory Law. This is where statutes enacted by legislative bodies at any level of government make up another source of law. State statutes are laws enacted by state legislatures. A state statute only applies within the borders. Administrative Law. These are the rules, orders, and decisions of regulatory agencies. A regulatory agency is a federal, state, or local government agency established to perform a specific function. Case Law. These are rules of law announced in the court decisions. These include interpretations of constitutional provisions, or statutes enacted by legislatures, and of regulations created by administrative…show more content…
This is when a government agent or a police officer deceives a defendant into wrong doing. Police cannot persuade an innocent person to commit a crime, nor can they coerce a suspect into doing so. The police however can use many different forms of subterfuge to gain information or apprehend a suspect in the criminal act. Excuse defense and justification are used to help understand why the act was committed to help reduce responsibility even though the victim knows they are guilty. It is saying, “Yes I am guilty, but here is why I did it.” It argues that the defendant’s wrongdoing should be excused because he/she lacked the capacity to be held responsible for the crime. Due Process. This requires that the government does not act unfairly or arbitrarily. The government cannot rely on individual judgment and impulse when making a decision, but must stay within the boundaries of reason and the law. There are two types of due process. Procedure due process. Law must be carried out by a method that is fair and orderly. It requires that certain procedures must be followed in administering and executing a law so that an individual’s basic freedoms are not violated. Substantive due process. This states that the laws are reasonable. It states that if an idea or law is unfair then it is declared
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