Insulin Dependent Diabetes Research Paper

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Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Statistics Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), also termed as type 1 diabetes mellitus, is prevalent in the entire globe. In the United States, data has indicated ethnic and racial prevalence disparity. According to CDC (2014), 9. 3 percent of Americans have diabetes. Those already diagnosed are 21 million individuals, while 27. 8 percent (8.1 million persons) are undiagnosed. A National Health Interview Survey carried out in 2010-2012 showed that amongst Hispanics, 8.5 percent of Central and South Americans, 13.9 percent Mexicans and 9.3 Cubans have diabetes. Besides, 6 percent Alaska Natives and…show more content…
The cells are located in the pancreas, and they are responsible for producing insulin. The ensuing deficient in insulin results in amplified urine and blood glucose. IDDM is a chronic disease resulting in high mortality rate throughout the globe. The disease is not curable, but patients learn to manage it throughout their lifetime. Some of the classical symptoms of the disease include loss of weight, urinating frequently, extreme thirst as well as hunger (Cooke & Plotnick, 2008). Persons suffering from IDDM need to significant amount of care as lack of it can be fatal. It means that treatment and management of the disease is significant. Insulin therapy is a key treatment, which entails administering insulin on a daily basis. Training on diabetes management is provided considering that it is quite challenging. If IDDM is not treated, it results both in acute and severe lasting complications. Long-term complications encompass kidney failure, eye damage, heart disease, foot ulcers, and stroke (Cooke & Plotnick, 2008). Acute complications encompass nonketotic hyperosmolar coma and diabetic ketoacidosis (Chiang et al.,…show more content…
Tertiary prevention comprises of the actual treatment of the disease. Tertiary health promotion strategies are conducted by qualified health care practitioners. As earlier mentioned, people with diabetes lack adequate insulin; therefore, they must be injected with insulin severally during the day to receive the required amount. Around 5-10 percent of people with diabetes are diagnosed with juvenile

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