Integrative Approaches To Psychology And Christianity 4 Mat Review

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Integrative approaches to Psychology and Christianity 4 MAT review Jennifer M. Liberty University Summary David N. Entwistle’ Integrative approaches to Psychology and Christianity, an introduction to worldview issues philosophical foundations and modes of integration, describes the history of integrating Christianity and psychology. He describes how Christians acknowledged science however when science interfered with God’s word and works, Christians began to reprimand those who attempted to provide empirical data. Tertullian believed that there were two forms of seeking knowledge through Athens human reason or Jerusalem faith (Entwistle, 2010, pg 8). Harry Blamires provided…show more content…
One of my peers asked us to attend church with her. At that moment I was excited to finally get a chance to worship. We got dressed Sunday morning and she drove us to church. When we arrived at the church music was playing and people were on the floor with a cloth over them, speaking in then a language I had never heard, rolling on the floor, and being anointed with oil. The church I was raised in did not worship in this way. In my mind I am thinking what in the world have I gotten myself into. We took our seats and the preacher walked to the pulpit and stated “if you love God and the things that he has done for you then you need to run”. After everyone finished carrying out his instructions he then began to deliver his sermon. In his sermon he did not include scripture. He preached about the plush carpet all over his house, the type of car he drives, the brand of clothing he had on, and how the birds disturbed him in the morning. My first thoughts were how a man of God can preach only about his blessings, neglect to preach the word and indicated how much his disapproved of the birds chirping in the morning. At that moment I felt as if he was putting on a production and not preaching the word. Needless to say that was my last time I attended that church. I believe that…show more content…
However it was good to know the history about integration and how many people expressed their views. Which lead me to this question: what contributions did the historians contribute to integration and if any what were they? Entwistle dissected the different denomination and how each denominations view integration and provided the ethical guidelines for incorporating religion in counseling. Which lead me to these questions: What are some ways Christians incorporated science and theology? What are some examples of integration in churches? If in the future integration becomes a part of church would there be guidelines so that integration would be universal for all denomination or will it be the responsibility of the churches to develop their own guidelines? If guidelines are developed would there be a governing body to ensure that all the guidelines are followed? I also enjoyed how Entwistle incorporated real life situation throughout his book and in the appendix. I enjoyed Entwistle’s transparency as
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