Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Setting.

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Introduction to communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s setting. 1. Understand why communication is important in the work setting… 1.1 – Identify the different reasons people communicate… People communicate with each other for many different reasons, whether it be to express their feelings, express emotions, show pain, or give their opinions, knowledge or encouragements. Communication can either be in the professional context (formal) or personal context (informal). In a social work environment communication can be an essential tool in order to meet the needs of a vulnerable adult. It is a basic requirement in the social care role to communicate with the individuals you care for their families and also with other members of staff involved with their care on a daily basis. Communicating with the other staff members you work with shows team working and continuity of care. It also ensures health and safety issues are recognised and reported. One form of this communication is a verbal handover at the beginning and end of each shift, there is also the filling in of relevant communication books and care plans for each of the individuals you care for, this keeps others in the knowledge of the current situation in the work place with service users. The individuals you care for will communicate with you, their carers, to express their needs and preferences. 1.2 – Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work… Communication is an essential part of my job, it is the foundation of everything I do in work and effects every aspect of my job, it also effects those I work with, whether it be colleagues, management, parents of service users or professionals. I need to communicate with people all the time in order to care for my service users affectively. Most importantly are the service users, then
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