Introductory Biology Course Syllabus

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Biol 101 Introductory Biology Lecture Course Syllabus This Course is Designed for Non-Science Majors Revised: Fall 2011 Instructor: Office (place): City Park: Office Hours: Course Section: _______Meeting place: _______________ Course time and day: ______________________________ Mission Statement: "Delgado Community College prepares students from diverse backgrounds to attain their educational, career, and personal goals, to think critically, to demonstrate leadership and to be productive and responsible citizens." Course Description: The course emphasizes common and important aspects of general biology. The course addresses the cell as the basic unit of life, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, simple genetics, and biomes.…show more content…
However the reference manuals, books, slides and models are suitable for most of the Biological Sciences taught at Delgado. These materials are available for additional study in this lab. Tutors will be available during the specified operating hours. Some volunteer faculty may also be present. The operating hours will be posted as soon as possible. If you are making a special trip to the lab, please call to make sure the lab is open. This lab does not provide a quiet distraction free environment and tutors or faculty may not be able to provide you with specific assistance. Students desiring to study in a quiet distraction free environment are encouraged to use the Library. Any problems or comments concerning the availability of models, slides, staff or general operation of this facility should be directed in writing to the Department Head of Biology. Such comments should be as detailed as possible and include dates, times, and if possible the names of individuals involved. Classroom…show more content…
Know the different parts of the cell cycle. Know the structure of a chromosomes Know what a karyotype is. Know the steps to mitosis. Know the different between cleavage furrow and cell plate. Know the cell cycle regulation. Know what telomeres are What is cancer and tumor Know what apoptosis is Chapter 9 What is reproduction What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction What is meiosis Know the different stages of meiosis What is fertilization What are germ cells Know what is crossing-over is Know what is polyploidy and nondisjuction is. Chapter 10 Know what a gene and allele are Know who is Mendel and what he did Know Mendel’s Laws Know the difference between a punnett square, test cross, and a dihybrid cross. Know how incomplete dominance, codominance, pleiotropy, polygenetic traits, epistasis, and the environment can affect phenotype. Chapter 40 What is a community? What is an
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