Is Goggle Making USupid Analysis

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Collecting memories “The memory is, for the soul, the experience of an already earned feeling; it’s de repetition of an idea without his executants; it’s a feeling that stayed in the brains and was experienced more or less shocking.” Introduction: “Everything starts with collecting and the need to make this collection recognizalbe. We all do it, collecting and keeping, some of us even obsessive. We keep the biggest garbage, but sometimes they have the biggest emotional value… all kinds of stuff wich we can’t actually use. But they are touchable memories, that call up a world of all kinds of expieriences: smells, sounds or images.” Since the beginning of humanity we’ve been trying to get our memory out of our heads. We make little…show more content…
Nicholas Carr is the author of the article “Is Goggle making us stupid? Google proponents say that it’s not, they say that we don’t have to use our memory as much as before. Thanks to Google we have more time now to daydream or brainstorm. Or that we can see Google as an huge external hard disk for our brain. Carr thinks that this is bullshit. They underestimate the qualities of our human brain. Of course, it’s true that because of Google, we have more time to daydream, but we don’t do it because our brain is to busy processing all the vibes we got from using Google. Recent research expelled that daydreaming (short periods of psychic suspence) can give you a lot of creativity. They give you new ways of thinking, associating and ideas. But how can we be in this zone, when our brain is so busy processing all this tasks. What our brains do when we’re on the Internet is similar to solving a cross word puzzle while reading a book. We are stimulated to do the most unbelievable multitasking. Reading texts, checking e-mails, pressing links, listening to music, watching videos… We are doing so many things on the same time that we hardly remember any of them. Our concentration diminishes, also when we’re just reading a book. It looks like we have to do everything faster and more superficial instead of getting into a specific action. In his book he quotes a research in which two groups of test persons were asked to look something up on Google. One group contained experienced Internet surfers. The other group were only starters. While they were doing this, the researchers measured their brain activity. Eventually it turned out that the experienced group used a part of their brain that the non-experienced group didn’t use at all. Several days later they did the same test again. However, the not experienced group of people had been taken some exercise on the Internet. The results showed that only after this couple of

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