Is Google Making Us Stupid?

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“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” As time goes on, the Internet becomes faster and faster, giving us more information than ever before. Anything one would ever want to know is at a click of the mouse, that is if your computer even has one anymore. Most don't. Whenever I have to decide on a Chinese restaurant to eat at, quickly look up the weather, or do some research for a paper, the Google search engine is the perfect place to start. In fact, as soon as my Safari icon is selected and the internet loads, those six colorful letters that make up the word Google are brought to my attention. The website is set as my homepage. All I have to do is type in a few measly keywords or phrases, and before I know it, every possible encyclopedia article, journal entry, blog, and newspaper clip relating to them, is placed right at my fingertips. Not to mention, it all happens within an instant. Carr states, “For me, as for others, the Net is becoming a universal medium, the conduit for most of the information that flows through my eyes and ears and into my mind,” (Carr, 59). Ever since the Net has been created, it has become more and more powerful and popular with time. I do not necessarily feel that “Google is Making Us Stupid,” but believe that it is changing the way we think and how we go about retrieving information. Search engines such as Google can be very efficient and concise, but this is not always a good thing. Using the internet has changed the way many people read. The author states, “The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle,” (Carr, 59). For example: Whenever I read an online article, I find myself skimming paragraphs and looking at bolded headlines, rather than actually perusing the material. The author also says, “Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a jet ski,” (Carr, 60). This is not

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